zaterdag 17 januari 2009

Hotel Kosmos

1934 - Hotel Kosmos was build.
It specialised in accomodating youth organisations.

1965 - The restaurant and cafetaria got upgraded.

1965 - The outdoor pool got constructed.
Hotel Kosmos was very famous for this swimming pool,
the only one of it's kind in the area.
This same pool was also the beginning of the end.
It didn't fulfill the safety-standards and Hotel Kosmos
lost their permit for the pool in 2002.

1992- Several parts of the hotel
get completely renovated

1994 - Because of the special architecture
the main building of Hotel Kosmos gets
protected as architectural heritage.

2002 - Hotel Kosmos loses their pool-permit.

2005 - The number of visitors keeps decreasing
and Hotel Kosmos has to close the doors.

2008 - In July a fire brings severe damage
to the staircase and the upper
floors of the protected main building.

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